Five common causes of pool construction disputes can lead to the involvement of an experienced construction attorney.
For homeowners, building a pool produces several benefits that include living a healthier lifestyle and saving money on recreational activities. Perhaps the greatest benefit of constructing a pool is the increase in the value of your home. Construction companies benefit from installing a pool because the project generates a substantial amount of revenue. However, five common causes of pool construction disputes can lead to the involvement of an experienced construction attorney.
Contractor Committed Negligence
Property owners trust contractors to follow the duty of care doctrine, which means construction companies must exercise their best judgment when planning and completing a pool construction project. The role of a construction attorney is to prove a contractor either intentionally or unintentionally failed to uphold the legal obligation required by the duty of care.
Failure to Pay
A versatile construction lawyer has the experience to represent both plaintiffs and defendants. Representing a plaintiff in a construction law case includes filing a claim against a homeowner for failing to live up to the compensation agreement. Construction companies have the right to sue for no payment, as well as a payment that falls well below what both parties agreed to in the construction contract.
Contract Violations
Business and commercial law sets the legal guidelines for creating and following business contracts. If either party violated one or more clauses of a swimming pool construction contract, the other party has the right to file a lawsuit seeking monetary damages. One of the most common contract violations concerns a construction company failing to meet the deadline for completing a project.
Determining if you need a construction attorney for a legal dispute often involves the inferior quality of a completed construction project. For a swimming pool, the construction company might have cut cost corners by using cheap materials and using defective equipment. Homeowners have the right to seek just compensation from a construction company that built a defective swimming pool
Personal Injury
A personal injury claim can cover either a homeowner or an employee of a construction company. A homeowner might suffer one or more injuries that are the result of shoddy workmanship. For example, a construction company can be held liable by installing a low-quality diving board. A construction worker might have a strong enough case against the homeowner for not establishing a safe work environment.
To ensure both a homeowner and construction company do not get embroiled in a contract dispute, both parties should follow several steps to ensure the legal validity of a business contract. First, establish an easy-to-understand payment schedule. Second, create a work schedule for every trade professional working on the swimming pool construction project. Third, name the project manager, even if the project manager is the homeowner. Finally, list the specific types of materials the construction company must use to complete the swimming pool project.